Thursday, March 13, 2008

I hate the flu!

Baby D came down with the flu on Sunday and he's still not back to feeling 100%. Tuesday night he was up crying every hour because his tummy hurt. I had already been alternating tylenol and motrin with him, so I really didn't know what else to do. Thankfully, he was doing better by morning as I left a message with the doctor and she never called me back. Wednesday I woke up around 2 am and had a headache behind my eyes and felt achy all over. I told Andy that I thought I was getting sick. He left for work around 4:30 and I was up praying to the porcelain potty shortly after 5. I had no energy and honestly felt pretty miserable. I didn't even know how I was going to get the girl's up for school, let alone run after the boys. Andy called me at 6:30 to make sure I was up. I went upstairs to get the girls and Deidra needed to take a shower. She wouldn't get in for me because she was afraid that the water was going to hurt her finger (the one she really smashed the other's still swollen and looks horrible...)so she was screaming bloody murder about having to take a bath. Little J didn't want to get up either and finally I just started crying. I'm not usually a baby when I am sick...but I was just so achy and nauseated that I just didn't know how to deal with everything. I came downstairs and called Andy and he told me that he had decided that he was coming home to help me and he'd work from home. What a sweetheart! He got here around 7 and was able to take over for me so that I could go lay down. I lost 4 1/2 lbs from being sick yesterday. Now, today, hopefully I'll be able to eat a little bit more than ginger ale and chicken noodle soup. I still feel pretty miserable...I hate the flu! Hopefully nobody else around here will get it as we're leaving for vacation on Monday.

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Blogger Sarah said...

Oh no! I hope you are feeling soon. The pukies and achies are never any fun. Probably one of the worst things to deal with.

7:38 AM  

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