Friday, March 23, 2007

The Passion

Our church put on a very powerful presentation of The Passion last night. Thank you, Abba, for letting me go with Mom. It moved both of us and it was very eye opening. There wasn't a very big crowd there last night and that was a bit disappointing, but those of us who were there were all moved. You couldn't sit there and watch and listen and not be. We do so many things to hurt you daily and yet so many people remain hard to their ways and to you and think the ways of the world are ok. We're all guilty of it at times...but your laws don't change. I'm sorry for all the wrong that I've done in my life and I will try harder at doing Your ways and not the ways of this world. At the end, they invited us to come up and show veneration to your wounds on the cross and kiss them and we went up with a friend of mine from work. It really made me see how we indeed put you up there on the cross and what you truly did for us. Thank you, Abba, for saving us and I'm so sorry for all that you truly had to endure...we can never truly imagine or even know the true suffering that you experienced for us. I will try to lead a better life and stick close to Your Ways.


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