Wow...our monthly visit lasted an hour and a half...
Andy always tells me that I get chatty with her, but she is the same with me too, so I don't feel bad. I did have a few things to discuss with her though, so whatever. She understands how I feel at times and I was having some issues with trying to figure out all this therapy that's going on...and more that is being added to the plate. The speech therapist told me yesterday when I cancelled that they were going to send a letter to my agency because of all the missed appts that I had and she wasn't super nice about it. I let my caseworker know that the therapist only works twice a week and then Friday is her make-up day. Friday is also our visit day so that isn't super feasible and if she does com eout then she can only see one of the kids because of the fact that the visits are right after school. Anyway, she told me that she'd call her up and talk to her if she had to because she understands how much I run around after all the kids and their appts and she sees the whole big picture that these therapists don't see. She told me that she's always praising us and how well we take care of the kids to everyone up at the agency and that she knows I wouldn't just cancel because I felt like it. She also told me that she had all the documentation that the kids were sick and so forth too, so she didn't want me to worry at all. I love my caseworker!
We talked about J's visit and how the adoption process all works. I feel tons better about that too although I'm not crazy about having to redo our homestudy, but it's not really a big deal...we've been through it all before and it's not really that bad.
We each have 10 more hours of training to complete before we need to get our butts in gear and get those done and out of the way.
She's also thinking about upping Little J's level of care again, but I don't know that it's super necessary. I know that all the caseworkers worry about her behavior and how it's affecting us. On Friday, the CPS worker told me after their visit that she just wanted to check and make sure we were doing ok as she knows how difficult she can be and she wanted to make sure that we knew it was ok to take a break from her if we needed to. I'm glad to know that we have their support and she let us know that she definitley appreciates us.
My caseworker also let me know today that I'm one of her better foster parents and that she thinks we do a wonderful job with our kids. She says I'm always on top of their appts and everything that they need and she just wanted me to know that she is always telling everyone how great we are at what we do. I told Andy when she left that was great to hear especially since I always worry about things since we're so new to this. I can't believe we've almost been foster parents though for a year. Wow!
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