Friday, January 14, 2005

Future plans for 2005

Hi Abba. We have so many things that we want to do this year in 2005. We want to really stick to a plan for getting out of debt, we want to have another baby, we want a place of our own, we want to buy land to put a 2-story modular home on it and put it on a basement, I'm trying to lose weight to be more healthy and slim down, Andy wants a better job, I'm thinking about going back to school to do something within the medical field, we have so many dreams. Guide us this year and help us to have a good year together and accomplish our goals. Help strengthen our family bond and keep us all happy and healthy together. Strengthen our marriage and help us renew some flames to keep us going happily and in love with one another. Strengthen our parental bonds to keep Deidra a happy and well-behaved child. Help us to discipline her in love and to know what and when to discipline her. We thank you for the blessings that you gave us in 2004 and we thank you for the blessings that You will give us this year as well. Guide us, Abba, and we want to walk in Your will.


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