Sunday, November 14, 2004

Please Help Andy Find a Good Job

Lord, I'm asking today too that you will help Andy to find a good job. One where he will feel that he's able to support his family, one that will pay him a wage that he will feel good about, one that he can grow in and excel. I thank you for bringing him Compulit and his wages from there, but they don't want to pay him the small increase that he was asking for so that we can get ahead like we want to. We don't want to be greedy and we are thankful for his job, but we want to be independant and be on our own again. We want our own privacy and for Deidra to have her own space to play in in the backyard. We're thankful to FIL for letting us stay here, but we think it's time to be by ourselves again. We don't want to have to worry when we have medical bills to pay or the car(s) breaks down, or something happens that is extra that we have to pay for. We know that You will give us exactly what we need and that we'll never have more than what you intend for us and we know that You know what is best for us. Please help him to find a good job that will give us what we're looking for. Please continue to help us with our finances and let us do good work for the people that we work for.


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