Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Ebay Auctions

Hi Abba. We decided to do some weeding out of clutter that we don't need to take to Texas with us. It's been rough parting with Deidra's baby clothes...I feel that in some way I'm admitting to myself that I may not have another baby to hold of our very own. Then, I get mad at myself for thinking that way. But, I know that we can always buy new stuff later. We have over 870 items listed. Please take a look. I gladly combine on shipping. We sell bedding, clothing, collectibles, books, gourmet items, vintage toys, and more. :-) I'll be adding a bunch little girl and infant clothes later on today as well. We move in just 7 weeks. Please help us sell a lot of this stuff. My goal is to pay for gas, food, and hotel expenses for our move down out of ebay funds.

Check out my ebay auctions at:
Visit my ebay store at:


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4:55 AM  
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11:46 AM  
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3:17 PM  

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