Well, my work did it again...
Hi Abba. Please guide me in the right decision to make here....
I wasn't given the position that was promised to me once again. They were going to do the interviews this week and Corey told everyone that I had his vote. Paige talked to him later that day on Thursday and told him that she had a full-time transfer for him as a line manager, but she wasn't going to start until the end of May. He told her that she was going to give me the news as I was going to be very upset. Him and Kathy both are pissed that Paige did this without consulting Corey or our ops manager. Anyway, I was clueless and Kathy came in last night to close and said that she was ready to walk with all the shit that was going on. I asked her what was going on and she said "the Pat stuff and some other shit that is going on that I can't really talk about." Pat is on medical leave and everytime she thinks she's coming back, it gets delayed and we have to cover her shifts. Anyway, I left enough alone. She went to talk to the ops manager in the phone center and I walked in behind her and all of a sudden one of the guys was like "Kathy, ssh!" and then they turned to look at me. I thought I had heard my name, but wasn't sure. One of the other cashiers, Jess (the one that was trying to stir up trouble between Corey and I) had been in talking to HR for an hour or so about a lot of things, so I wasn't sure if it was about her or not. Anyway, I turned around and left and Kathy came back. I told her it was getting to be where I only trust her in that place and she said that she felt the same way about me. Anyway, a half hour later I got called to HR's office and I wondered what was up. Kathy told me that she kinda knew what it was about and not to do anything rash until after I had talked to her. I walked back there wondering what it was that I had done even though Kathy told me that I didn't do anything. I walked back to find her and the ops manager sitting there waiting for me. She started in by saying that Corey and Kathy were worried about me and they were wondering why I was so upset. I sat there puzzled and dumbfounded as I wasn't upset about anything. Finally, Paige (HR) says "You're not upset that I transferred in a full-time line manager? Corey said you were going to be throwing daggers." I asked her how I was supposed to be upset when I hadn't known about it until now, but that I was fine." Steve told me that Corey and Kathy thought very highly of me as well as the both of them and that if I was upset they wanted to know about it. I was so completely caught off guard that I just kept saying that I was fine. Paige said that they knew they couldn't expect me to sub forever, but to keep doing the great job that I was doing and that maybe she could open up 2 positions, but then someone would be stuck on a register and that wasn't really fair either. She said there was a chance that maybe she wouldn't come or maybe she wouldn't come over as a line manager, but that they wanted me to keep filling in. I left it on good terms and said that I was fine.
I came back up front and talked to Kathy and she said that she thought that her and Corey were more pissed than me. As more time went on though, I felt myself getting upset and was on the verge of tears. Kathy said that it isn't fair that they're just dangling a carrot in front of my nose and aren't going to promote me and that it's not fair that they're expecting me to do the job without the pay for the next 4 months and then taking the position away from me either. I asked why it's fair that just because this girl has to move and can't take the position in May, why it's fair for me to not be able to get the position when I'm available now? And why should I be the one that has to go back to being stuck on a register the whole time.
Andy wound up coming in to get me and I wound up telling him what happened. He wanted me to quit on the spot and screw them all. I told him that I can't quit without insurance and I don't want to screw Corey adn Kathy and the rest of the people on the front end...this isn't their fault. Corey called 3 times yesterday asking Kathy if Paige had talked to me yet as he was worried that I was going to walk. He told Paige that if I walked because of them, that he was screwed as I was his best associate up there. I'm hurt, but yet touched that they think so highly of me. But yet, I don't know how many times I can let them promise me something and then see them take it from me either. All I'm doing if I continue to stay is letting them know that it's ok to walk all over me. Kathy begged me not to quit and I told her that I needed some time to think about everything. Andy wants me to tell Paige since she let the girl transfer based on the fact that we have to look out for all the Home Depot people that I want a transfer to Texas and I expect her to make it happen. He told me to go down and start looking for houses to rent for us and then he'd come down once I had things set. I just don't know what the right answer is. Obviously we're working towards moving to Texas and we plan to do that in a few months anyway, but I don't know what the answers are on timing right now either. I'm tempted to quit at HD and just take D to Texas and get us settled and find us a place to live and me a new job down there altogether. What to do...what to do....
I just had to vent.....I'm so confused.
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