Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Not the chicken pox...

but I have the doctor confused as to what it could be. I'm in a great deal of pain from them and they are still continuing to spread. They itch like crazy, but if you touch them they are quite painful. Of course, they are spreading all over my hind end so sitting is great fun. He said that he could see why we thought they were chicken pox, but he doesn't believe that they are. His first thought was that I had gotten bitten by something. Then, he thought that it could be folliculitis (inflamed hair follicle), but then he seen where all I had the spots and said that it wasn't that. His last thought was that I had a bacterial infection or staph. He put me on a couple different medicines, told me that I wasn't going to work tomorrow. He's concerned that because of my diabetes that we need to get this under control if this spread that fast in 24 hours. If it continues to spread or I start feeling worse than what I do now, I am to go back in and see him.

I called work before we left to let them know that I more than likely wasn't going to be in tomorrow. They so didn't believe me as to what I thought was wrong...and while it makes me mad I guess I have to look at it from their point of view too. How many adults do you know of that get chicken pox...yet it's something that I've never had. I made my Mom come over after work to look at them and she thought it was the chicken pox as well, so I headed out to go to the med center as work was making me call them back with what the final diagnosis was before my shift tomorrow. I made Andy and D go in with me to give them the note as I figured that they wouldn't say anything cruel with them standing there, yet it was even apparent to Andy that they weren't happy that I wasn't going in. I even told her that I hated doing that to them...I haven't missed a day of work in over 7 months. But, I also have to tell myself that this is out of my control...all I can do is hope that I get better and don't have any other issues tomorrow and that they'll eventually understand. I had the evil thought to pull my pants down and show her what I had going on so that they could see that I wasn't making this stuff up, but I knew that wouldn't be the right thing to do. I just wish that they could be a little more friendly to me there. Help them to be more understanding, Abba, and please help this to go away tomorrow.


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