Monday, November 06, 2006

Now, I'm stressing...

Went to the doctor for my ultrasound...didn't show anything. Uterus is back to it's normal size and he didn't see anything abnormal. I was relieved about the fact that he had me worrying about fibroids and there aren't any, so that's a good thing. He said that he can't confirm or deny that I had a miscarriage though. So, $178 later and I still don't know. Now, I'm stressing over the money aspect of things since I just gave him the last of the money that we had and I still may have overextended ourselves since Andy doesn't get paid until the 15th. That was Deidra's birthday party money and everything. And her birthday is on Saturday...we had a whole Chuck E. Cheese thing planned out for her and everything. So, I turn my money worries to you, Abba. I called and left a message for the doctor's office to see if they'll credit us back some of the money and then we can pay what is due on the 15th, but I don't know if they'll do that for us or not. Please let everything come together for us. I really need to get on some better insurance. This paying 40% of every visit thing is hard. Especially when I just gave them $60-$70 when I went in on the 1st. Please help us out, Abba, and let everything come together. Help us not to worry and stress over all of this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know this is hard, but it doesn't matter one way or the other if it was a miscarriage or not. The thought that it might have been is still enough to mourn over. Does that make any sense?? Everything will fall into place. i'm sorry for your loss, and i'm sorry they can't confirm it for you. Know that it was a loss, no matter what, and it's all in God's hands. *hugs*

11:51 AM  

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