Monday, March 26, 2007

Prayer Requests

Hi Abba...I lift my father and my little girl up to you in prayer. I pray for their health and for any battles that will come our way that we will get through them with your help and your glory.

First off, before we left for vacation Andy noticed over the weekend that Deidra had been using the bathroom quite a bit. He asked her if it hurt and she said no. He let me know about it and I said that maybe it was just a fluke or something. Well that week, I noticed that she had been thirsty an awful lot and I noticed too that she was in the bathroom quite a bit and she'd get the way that I was when my sugars were'd just use the bathroom and go quite a bit but not even an hour later you felt like if you didn't get to the bathroom that second you were going to have an accident. And she did have a few accidents. And that got me wondering if she had diabetes. My mom got it when she was 4, my grandpa (her dad) got it in his early 20s...I got it about the same time...and now I'm wondering if my little girl has it as well. I wanted to test her before we left for vacation, but she kept getting too freaked out for me to do the finger stick and every time I'd try to hold her myself she'd pull away too fast. I let her do it to me to see that it wouldn't hurt and even offered to get her a prize for letting me do it...but she'd freak out every time. Finally I said that I was going to get the urine sticks and try to test her that way for a full 2 days and see what her readings were and then I plan on following up with the doctor. She's got to go in for a TB test for the foster/adopt stuff anyway. So, I'll do it on that one day and get it all over with. I'm just worried and I already told Andy that if she has it I'm going to quit work as she's going to have to be monitored at school.

Secondly, my Dad called me when we were on vacation to let me know that he was going to have tests done at the hospital this past week. They found out he's got an enlarged heart, very high cholesterol, and his blood pressure is sky high despite being on medication. They were going to check him for blockages and whatnot. He's nervous and said if they are going to do bypass surgery, he's making a trip to Texas first. I told him if they do bypass surgery on him, I am going to be there. The news choked me up and I told him that we just had to wait to see what his test results showed and what the doctor said and maybe they won't need to do surgery at all, maybe it could be as simple as changing his medications around. I told him we had to think positively, but yet I've been worrying myself. I told him he had to cut down on his smoking more...He's gone from smoking 9 packs a day down to 6 packs witht he help of medication...I'm proud of him for that, but I told him he needs to try to cut down some more. As much as my Dad and I have had our issues and problems over the past 6 years, I'm not ready to lose him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

9 packs a day??? WOW!!! i'll be praying for your dad and Little D. i know how hard it is to not worry with all this going on, just remember to lean heavily on Jesus... as i try to remember that myself!!!

6:00 AM  

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