Friday, January 04, 2008

Novena to St. Joseph

I decided to make January a novena month for some of our intentions. If you have any prayer requests, let me know and I will include your requests too.

My first novena that I am going to pray is to St. Joseph. As the foster father of Jesus, I know He understands my heart in wanting what is best for our foster children. I pray that we are able to adopt Baby J and that his mom is given peace and comfort with the decision and that she will sign the papers. I pray for Baby D and for Little J and that they will receive the healing that they need and that their family will do good by their children when they go back home. I also pray for healing with all the children in the family. I also pray for no allegations or investigations in 2008. They tell us in training that in foster care it's not a matter of if you will get any, but more of a matter of when you will get them. It terrifies I pray that our house and names stay allegation and investigation free this year and always.



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