Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Starting the New Year So Tired...

Wow! We really had a great NYE here at home. Andy surprised me by coming home early from work and he had brought me flowers. Then, I ran out to the store to get us some snacks and Chicken Express for dinner. We played with the boys and let them stay up a little later than normal. They were in bed by 8:30 though. They just couldn't stay awake. Then, we played Clue with the girls (well, Little J just watched since she's really too little for that game) and then Little J decided at around 9 that she was going to lay on the couch. She fell asleep. So, it was just Andy, Deidra, and I left. We sat watching Home Improvement and then watched the ball drop in NYC at 11pm (midnight for NYC). Shortly after that Deidra conked out. I took a little 20 minute nap and then did pretty well. We drank our wine and champaign and rang in the New Year and we talked about all the blessings that we've had over the past year and a half and Andy remembered bleaker times and how we don't stop to remember all the good that has happened since then often enough. I do...I just don't talk about it much. Andy said he never thought we'd make it through all that and I told him that he was awfull depressed then (which is understandable), but here we are. Things are looking so much better for us and I can't wait to see what 2008 brings us. We've had so many answered prayers here and we both agree that we are very blessed. Anyway, we headed to bed around 1:30 this morning.

It seemed like I just closed my eyes and I heard Baby D start crying. I waited it out a few minutes and he kept it up. I went in there to see what he needed and he wanted more water. I filled up his cup and tried to put him back to bed and he really started crying. I didn't want him to wake up Baby J so I brought him downstairs hoping he'd fall asleep on the couch with me. I decided to look at the clock in the kitchen too to see what time it was. 2:30 in the morning. UGH! Well, we got a couple catnaps in, but not really full sleep. I just got to rest my eyes. Here it is a little after 7:30 am and he's running around playing. I hear Baby J stirring upstairs too...so the chance of me going back to sleep is pretty slim. Give me the caffeine! I guess I need to get used to this anyway if we're talking about adding in a baby sometime soon. Although I'm still toying with that idea. My friend asked me to do respite for her (babysitting in our terms but in the land of foster care it's respite) girls for her twice this month. She's got an adopted daughter who is 2, she's in the process of adopting a little girl who is 20 months old, and then she has the 20 month old's newborn baby sister as well (well, she's 2 months old now)...so I'm going to see how that goes and how the kids react to the baby and see if we think adding a baby would go ok. Guess we'll see!

Happy New Year everyone!

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