A Breakthrough with Little J...
She had her medicine changed around late last week. She's been exceptionally drowsy from it, but she is like a totally different child on it. In a good way... She's been able to focus on what she's supposed to be doing and she's been talking about her feelings rather than being so agressive. She was crying last night that she missed her parents and she just wanted her Daddy. Today, she came home from school and she told me she made something at school for me so that we could always remember her when she went back to her old house. All of a sudden she started crying and saying that she loved all of us and she was going to miss us. I pulled her into my lap and tears just poured from my eyes. She was so incredibly sweet about everything... I'm going to miss her too, even with her struggles, I'm going to miss her. I really am.
Labels: Little J
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