Wednesday, November 23, 2005

My Ultrasound

Had my ultrasound yesterday. Things went ok and it didn't hurt near as badly as the last one. She still had a hard time finding my right ovary since my uterus is tipped, but I could deal with the pain as it wasn't too bad this time. My left ovary only has a few eggs growing that are only 8mm. My right has a couple that are about 13 mm. They need to get to 18-20mm before they're mature enough for me to ovulate. So, it's just a waiting game to see when I'll ovulate over the next couple of days. She said "don't go get pregnant on Thanksgiving now." And she winked at me. I just laughed. It would be an exciting time to find out that we're expecting. She did say that if we don't get pregnant this month that she wants to up my dosage of clomid as well as recommending that we start doing some inseminations to help our chances. We're talking about that step and praying about it. I'd really like to just see if we can get pregnant the old-fashioned way. Hopefully, we can get pregnant this month. :-) Abba, please help me to ovulate on my own again this cycle and give us a great chance at becoming pregnant this cycle. What a magical time of Christmas and celebrating Your Birth would it be to find out that we are finally getting a baby again of our own. Help us to get pregnant again, Abba. Thank you for all of your blessings upon our family.


Blogger Sarah said...

Jess, as always I am praying and crossing everything possible for you. This is a magical time of year - and a great time for special blessings. You deserve to be blessed. {{{hugs}}}

6:02 PM  

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