Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Hi Abba. The ultrasound wasn't pleasant. I have never had a vaginal ultrasound hurt so bad, but she said that my ovaries were in there pretty deep and she had to push hard to see them. I have a couple follicles that are measuring 12 1/2 mm (mature ones are 18-20mm) and she said I had several that were 10 and 11mm. She wants me to start using ovulation predictor kits starting on Friday and seeing when I get my surge. She was going to bring me back in for another u/s on Friday or Monday if we were going to do the insemination, but I just want to try this month and see what happens. I want to make sure that the clomid makes me ovulate before we start shelling out $200-$400 per insemination. If I don't ovulate, they're going to up my dosage of clomid for the next cycle. If I do, then we'll just have to wait out the next couple of weeks to see if I get pregnant. :-) Please help us be successful, Abba. Help us get pregnant again.


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