Friday, November 16, 2007

What a day!

I got the girls to school this morning, started feeling sick so I called to cancel Baby J's therapy appt. Sat down to check e-mail and I have an e-mail from my cousin about my Grandpa. She said that she didn't think he was coming home. His kidneys were failing and they started dialysis and moved him to the ICU. I immediately started crying and thinking about how to go up there when I decided to e-mail my Uncle. He came back with a whole lot better news. He's not in kidney failure, but his potassium levels are high so if they didn't come down on their own soon they were going to do dialysis to remove the excess potassium from his body. They're still trying to find the source of where the fluid is entering his lungs though. That made me feel better and my cousin and I kept going back and forth on e-mail. Finally, she asked me to call her and we talked for a little over an hour about everything. She said that she felt a lot better after talking to me and I felt a lot better after talking to her too. I told her that we just need to think positively and that he's made it through a lot of things and we had to hope and pray that he'd make it through this too. She said that her Mom had freaked out when she heard dialysis being mentioned and didn't think he could survive without his kidneys functioning and that if they were putting him on dialysis it had to be cancer or kidney failure. Well, I told her to get her facts straight before scaring me like that again.

Anyway, we hung up and I was talking to Andy about everything when the school called. Little J has a 100.5 fever and I need to come and get her. Went and picked her up and she's totally acting fine. She got mad at me because I wouldn't let her go play outside. Then, it was because I wouldn't let her have candy and chips. She told me her stomach was hurting again and I told her I'd make her some chicken noodle would have thought I'd told her that I'd make her some spinach or asparagus with the reaction that I got from her. She finally asked me for cereal and I gave her a bowl of that.

Then, I was trying to get the boys down for a nap and she walked in there and opened the door and got them screaming, so there went that idea. Shortly after that, we had to go pick up Deidra from school. Deidra got in the car and immediately copped an attitude with everyone. I reminded her that the House Fairy can't visit if she's not minding her manners. She came home and hopped up on the couch and was asleep in a matter of minutes. My baby girl is tired! Makes sense now....

The boys are napping, the house is a disaster area, I need to figure out what to make for dinner (I'm thinking maybe some Hamburger Helper), and I really could use a nap myself however Little J is still awake, so I guess I need to stay awake too.

I'm really not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow either. :-(

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