Called to love, give of ourselves, and to be humble...
I didn't go to mass this morning, but I watched it on tv. His homily spoke to me today. He was talking about how Jesus leads us to a very simple way to get to Heaven. He's prepared a room for us there and that He calls us to lead a life of love, giving of ourselves, and to humility. He said too often we have the thought of "what am I going to get out of it if I do this for someone?" He said we just need to give of ourselves anyway and realize that God will see our actions and bless us. We're to be humble and not expect anything in return when giving to others. We are called to serve others for God and yet, I too see that I often have the wrong attitude. I need to just do it and offer my actions to God and trust that He appreciates what I am doing and I don't need to expect return favors and such from others. I am to be humble and do it for God, yet I will be the first to admit that it hurts when I give to others and they can't give back at times. I need to work on changing my attitude. God sees and that is all that truly matters.
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