Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Thank you for my sweet little girl...

I'm so glad that I got to spend yesterday and today with her. We woke up this morning and we were talking about some of her favorite things. She is just too precious sometimes.

Mommy: What's your favorite animal?
Deidra: Umm..a micey...and a monkey. And my stuffed animals, o' course.

Mommy: What's your favorite food to eat?
Deidra: Basketti

Mommy: What's your favorite color?
Deidra: Red

Mommy: What's your favorite thing to do?
Deidra: Smuggle with you

Mommy: Where is your favorite place to go?
Deidra: The zoo, the mall, and the make-up counter at JC Penneys.

I started giggling and asked her where she had gotten that from. She told me they have pretty bracelets and stuff there and I told her that indeed they did, but we've never actually visited the make-up counter at JC Penneys. She said that they pretend that at school sometimes. Oh, did I crack up. She is just too precious. I love having little talks like that with her though...getting to hear her thoughts...making each other laugh....and smuggling. I love that little girl so much, Abba, Thank you so much for bringing her into my life and making me a mommy.


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