Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Thank You for Blessing Our Marriage

Hi Abba. Andy had commented to me the other day that he felt like we were newlyweds again. It sort of has felt that way...we're doing all the things that newlyweds do. ;-) We had fun unwrapping our dishes together and finding homes for them...we're in the bedroom together more....Mom has been taking Deidra every now and again and it's been nice to enjoy the time alone together without interruptions. Granted, I love my daughter dearly and I wouldn't trade her for anything, but I also know that we've been in much need of some couple time. It's something that we've never gotten much of at all. If we got out alone once a year since she was born that was a good thing. I joked with Andy that if I knew before that all it was going to take to get his drive to come back, was to move out of his father's house...we would have had to find a way to do that before a long time ago. I used to spend past times wondering what was wrong with me that he didn't seem to look at me that way very much. Now, I see that there was never a problem with me, it was just the circumstances of being at his father's house and all that made it weird for him. I just want to say thank you for revealing this all to us and for blessing our marriage. This time together has been wonderful and we're very happy so far in this new chapter of our lives. Help us always to hold on to this feeling.


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