Friday, March 17, 2006

Please Help Andy Find a Job...

This move is only a few weeks away now. Deidra and I are almost down to the 3 week mark and Andy is almost down to 5 weeks. I'd love it if he had a job in place before we moved. I think I'd feel a little less panicky about it. I'm trying now to worry since I know that we have a good emergency fund in place and I know that my job is a sure thing down there and we'll still have his last pay check as well to count on once we're moved. I think I would just feel a little better if we knew what our finances were going to be. We don't have any doubt that he'll be able to find a better job down there easily making what we make now together by himself. I just want him to have a job soon so he has something to look forward to as well and it would help too knowing what his commute was going to be like. Please bring him a good job his way very soon. Thank You, Abba.


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