Feeling violated...
Hi Abba, please help keep us and our things safe from harm.
So, it majorly started downpouring early this morning. Deidra has picture day at school this morning so I was trying to figure out a way to get the car into the garage (it's still got stuff from moving day in there) so that I can keep her dry. I go out to the car to find my door half open and the stuff in my glove box all over the passenger seat. At first, I thought that Andy did it getting my cell phone out of my car so that he had a way to get me up this morning since he went in early. Then, I realize that there's CDs all over the driver's side floor. I went inside and called him and he said he didn't even touch my car this morning and that's when it hit me that someone broke into it. I went back out there and it's not like I had anything valuable in there, but what I'm worried about is that we keep all my car receipts and warranties in my glove box and I'm just worried that somebody could have gotten ahold of our bank card numbers or something now. It was great though to have to clean up a huge old mess in the pouring rain. I got drenched doing in, pulled the front half of the car into the garage to get Deidra in...ran inside to close the garage door and we were off to school. Nobody wanted their kids getting wet on picture day so it was slow going. I was cold from being sopping wet and I still had to get to work. I half ran across the parking lot before I decided that it was no use given how wet I was anyway. Got in trouble when I got up front over something that happened this weekend that was totally stupid and then got into it again over my stupid schedule. I really wish she'd start understanding that when I say I can't work any later than 2:30pm and even that is pushing it as D needs to be picked up by 2:40 that she'd understand that and quit scheduling me to work til 3 or 4 as all that does is create more stress for me. And I feel that it's her error, she needs to fix it...not it's my schedule...I need to fix it. Then, they sent me home after being there for an hour and a half because of the rain and no customers. I'm just irritated. I think I'm going to go veg in front of the tv until I need to go get Deidra. And I think I'm going to start looking at houses again for when our lease is up here and I'm seriously starting to think about getting a dog.
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