Help us to get it all finished today...
Well, Andy made the property diagram last night and we e-mailed it to Amy. She was impressed with how professional it looked. I went afterwork and got the dentist's sign off on the medical and dental sheet. I came home and did the training on being the medical consenter so we can make decisions on medical treatment for the children. I just printed off our certificates. We have the rest of our homework to finish up tonight and then I just have to run to Deidra's school and have the principal sign off on the education plan for the children and then we are done. I can run it all over to Amy tomorrow afternoon. We should have our first home visit next week. Wow!
Please help us to get it all done and turned in by tomorrow! Thank you so much, Abba, for helping all the pieces to fall into place.
Labels: foster/adopt stuff
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