Monday, August 27, 2007

Deidra's Account of Her First Day of First Grade

Deidra: Mom, this is so awesome...they have a reward system where if you get less than 6 check marks for the grading period you get to go on a field trip to somewhere fun with the principal.

Mom: Well, what did you do today?

Deidra: Well, I got to make a couple of things and I got to bring one home and we talked about a bunch of stuff. Then, on recess I got to see Will, Jeremy, Kalee, and Katie, and Allison lost 3 teeth now.

Mom: Hopefully not today right?

Deidra: No, since I seen her last silly. I gave them all hugs.

Mom: you gave the boys hugs too?

Deidra: Well, just the girls...but I talked to the boys.

Mom: Did you have a good day?

Deidra: Yeah, I ate all my lunch and I have a paper that you need to sign...oh and the school is freezing so I need to bring a little sweatshirt or something ok?

Mom: That's fine. We'll find you something to put in your backpack.

Deidra: I'm hungry.

We got home and she went fishing through the cupboard for something to make. She finally settled on one of the new Jello puddings (chocolate with caramel chips).

Deidra: I was starving and I'm kinda tired.

Mom: Do you have homework?

Deidra: No, but you need to sign that paper.

Mom: Oh...(stifling a giggle)...let me do that then.

Deidra: Remember you said that homework had to be done right after school....

Mom: Oh...ok...I'll do it before we take you to gymnastics tonight (she advanced to the next level and goes to her first new class there tonight too).

Deidra: Ah-hem.

Mom: What?

Deidra: That's not part of the told me that homework had to be done right after we got home from school.

Mom: Ok, let me put the boys down for their naps and I'll get right on that.

Deidra: Maybe you better let me put the boys to bed so you can do your homework.

Mom: (I started laughing) Ummm...who's the one exactly that is in school here?

Deidra: Well, we just have to follow the rules.

Mom: ok, you're right...

So, after I finish this update I guess I better go do my homework. hee hee



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too Cute!!! Did you get your homework done??

7:25 PM  

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