Monday, January 14, 2008

Not feeling the greatest...

I woke up to the arrival of AF this morning. I'm cramping pretty badly and just feeling very tired. Add to the fact that I'm also trying to get a cold...ears are sore, throat is starting to hurt, and I'm running a little fever. So, I decided that since I had to cancel therapy for Baby D and Little J today that I was going to have myself a mental health day and try to get the house cleaned and back in order a little more. I started out with great intentions, but I haven't really gotten much accomplished other than one load of laundry folded and a new load thrown in the washer. The boys are taking a really long nap now that I finally got them down to bed and I have been taking that time to enter my stuff to try to get back to being healthy and monitoring more closely what foods and calories that I'm consuming. I also started exercise today and I did the strength exercises that they gave me to do and I also did 1-mile with WATP. Now, I'm extra crampy so I'm trying to take it easy. I really need to pick up the living room and vacuum, but I really would rather go curl up with a book on the couch.

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