Friday, May 01, 2009

The Love Dare--Day 13

Talk with your spouse about establishing healthy rules of engagement. If your mate is not ready for this, then write out your own personal rules to “fight” by. Resolve to abide by them when the next disagreement occurs.If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.

Our biggest problem lately when it comes to disagreements is that we don't listen completely, we cut each other off and we make snide comments or we start arguing our side of things without waiting until the other person is done trying to tell their side of things. We determined that we were going to set aside more time to sit and talk and that we were going to try to listen better without interrupting one another and that we were going to try to manage our time better so that we felt that we were spending adequate time together to discuss things and just have personal time together.

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