Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Bad news...

My house sold yesterday morning, before we got final word on the go ahead with the mortgage broker. Guess it didn't matter anyway, as apparently we're running into some mortgage issues as well. She's been telling me for the past month that she could do the financing for us with very little down or none at all. Now that I told her we found the house, she wants us to have 10% down and 6 months of house payments in the bank before they'll give us the loan since we don't have jobs down there yet. If we can get jobs down there first, we can qualify sooner. So, I guess it's just not time. :-( I'm going to see about transferring with my company though and going down first and then they can qualify Andy for what he makes here and do it that way. I could be down as early as a month from now. In the meantime, we'll save, save, SAVE. Abba, please help us save all we can so that we're able to get into a house down there and please help us both with jobs down there. Help my transfer to go through and help Andy find a job down there too. The hard part for him is that all the jobs that he finds are local candidates only.


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