Saturday, August 19, 2006

One more update...

Well, I woke up to find that part of my right side is going numb now and my headache has been worse. I also am running a fever over 100 degrees. I called the doctor just to let him know and another doctor in the office was seeing patients and wanted me to come in. She wanted to send me to the ER for a spinal tap to rule out meningitis and she wanted me to meet with a neurologist about my numbness and left-side weakness and she told me that I may even need to be admitted for observation. She took me off of work until my headaches are gone and the numbness goes away. I came home and told Andy what was going on and I went back and forth on going to the ER since my insurance doesn't cover it. I called the insurance company and they were closed. I called the hospital and nobody could tell me the rates on any of the tests, but said that they work with anyone needing treatment. Got in the car to go and we were almost there and I told Andy to turn around and go home. I told him that I'm just going to monitor my fever and take the medication he gave me for the migraines and see what that does over the weekend. If I'm still feeling poorly I'll have Andy take me in to ER and we'll find out for sure what's going on. In the meantime, I'll take my meds, push fluids, and rest. My Mom took Deidra overnight too so I could have some peace and quiet and hopefully start feeling better.


Blogger Lacey said...

((HUGS)) Jess! Please be careful and keep us updated!

Thoughts and prayers!

7:01 PM  

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