Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Desperate Households Part 2 -- Desperate For A Relationship

Abba, help us all to form good, solid, healthy relationships with one another. Help us to be the friend that we all need to be to one another. Help us to be the good parent to our children that our children desperately need. Help us to be the good spouse to our spouses and learn to treat them with the love, honor, and respect that we all want as well. Help us to learn that we need to put others before ourselves. Help us all to have good relationships with one another and treat one another as we want to be treated.


Seek help when trouble comes. We pretend that our lives are better than they are. We all have problems and need to be cared for, but we must share with one another.

Submit to one another out of reverence to Christ.

The key to life is our relationships with people. Our relationships with people show what are relationship is with God.

Relationships in life tell everything about your heart.

Love God with your whole heart and treat others as you want to be treated.

Submit to others--life is not all about us.

Love is a submission of your will. Real love is a choice. We don't just fall into love like it shows on movies and tv.

Often we confuse the emotion we feel when we're first attracted to someone as love. Feelings come and go. Real love is a choice of our will. Real love is always a choice that is backed up by action. With no action, you begin to take one another for granted.

Refer to 1 Corinithians 13 if you want to know what true love is.

Real love is not easy or simple. We must learn it. We must continue to learn throughout life.

Real love is giving rather than straining to attract it.

Accept people exactly as they are. Don't criticize or compare to others....(Your sister wouldn't have done that...Your brother would have done this...why can't you be like the Jones'). They won't fit into your unfulfilled expectations.

You have to have unity to have a successful marriage. You must have submission to the same goals and priorities in life...(careers, finances, having children, family time, and spiritual development).

You must have reconciliation. This is the key to maintaining good relationships. Accusing and blaming one another doesn't help. Don't let the sun go down on anger. Sit down and admit both faults and work it out. Bitterness and anger start to form if you hold on to it.

Care more about others than yourself.

Submit your life and relationships to Jesus and make Him the Lord of your life. Become aware of who you are in Christ, who you are in your marriage, as a parent, as a friend, and in all of your relationships.


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