Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A Christmas Present from Above?

I got to talking with a friend of mine from INCIID awhile back. We both struggled with infertility and got pregnant around the same time with both of our girls. Someone had told me back then about Saint Gerard being the patron saint of those who were trying to get pregnant. I went online and ordered two medals and gave one to her. It was just a couple of months later that we both announced our pregnancies. She said that she has hers hung in her kitchen and everytime she sees it she smiles and thinks about me. She went on to have twins and then they just adopted a little girl from China as well last year. I stumbled upon the website http://saintgerard.com/ sometime in the beginning of the summer and had requested a free medal that was blessed. It's been so long ago that I had forgotten all about it...until yesterday when it came in the mail along with the poem (before you were conceived I wanted you...). It has been my prayer that I just want to have another baby...naturally or adopted...and I was certainly open to both. I took this as a sign that it's meant to be and that it was a Christmas present from above. :-)


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