Calls, but no placements yet...
Well, we're getting called...but we don't have any placements yet. The first call was for a sibling set of sisters that were 7 years old and a newborn. That set wound up not needing a home. Then, we were called about a sibling set of brothers who were 5 and 6 that were no longer receiving visits. However, one of them had asthma and we were checking whether our cats were going to be an issue. She told us that she'd call us back when she heard back from their caseworker and knew more. Then, 2 days ago, I received a call asking if we'd consider doing respite care for 2 weeks for a 17 year old girl and her 1 1/2 year old daughter. I declined that one. She also wanted to ask if we'd consider taking a sibling set of girls who were 5 years old and 20 months that were no longer doing visits and I said yes to that one. She said she'd let CPS know that we were interested and call us back when they knew more. Each call gets my hopes up and then when we don't hear back it's discouraging. I know I need to be patient and some of this can take time...I'm just so anxious and so is Deidra. Andy's also going to probably be going to NYC in a couple of weeks and I'd really like to get some kids settled in here before he goes. It's hard to put anything up ahead of time since we don't know whether we'll need the crib or toddler beds or the bunk beds. Anyway, that's my update for now. I'll keep you posted. Abba, please bring us some placements very soon.
Labels: placement calls
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