Tuesday, November 27, 2007

So, we've reached the stage of totally undressing ourselves...

Baby J would prefer to run around nekkid. I put him down for a nap yesterday only to go in and find that he had torn off all his clothes and his diaper and was sitting nekkid in his crib. Went in to get him this morning, nekkid he was and he had given me the pleasant surprise of having thrown his poop pebbles on top of all of his blankets on the floor and smeared his dirty hands all over the crib rails and part of his mattress. Got him dressed and cleaned up and took the girls to school. Came home and fed him breakfast and let him down to play. It wasn't even 5 minutes and he was nekkid again. Laid him down and put his diaper and clothes back on and told him that we don't do that. 5 minutes later, he's nekkid again. Finally, I took him upstairs to find a onesie to put on him. Put him down for a morning nap and he wouldn't go to sleep. I go in there, the onesie is off and he's torn his diaper off too. I put his diaper on backwards, the onesie back over it, and his regular clothes over that...I watched him through the crack in the door. Little monkey got all that off too. Now, he's laying down in his bed with shipping tape taped over his diaper a few times. If he figures that out, I don't know what to do. UGH!



Blogger TK said...

I've heard some parents put on a one piece footed pajama on the child, but put it on backwards. That way the zipper is in the back. They even sometimes safety pin the zipper pull. I'd be a little weary of safety pin, since I'd be afraid it could pull out and poke, but the putting it on backwards might work. I think he is testing you! I sure hope you find what works!

5:40 PM  

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