Thursday, July 01, 2010

Trying to take care of myself too...

I love my family more than anything, but I am realizing more and more that I am no good to anybody if I don't take care of myself too. I feel guilty taking time out for myself as so much needs to be done around here or the kids need this or that. But, I also know that nobody is going to take care of me and what I need for myself, if I don't take the time out for me. I got really upset at Andy this morning when I asked him to take Melina again so that I could take a shower before he had to leave for work and he just gave me a look like I was totally invading his time. I told him to forget it and went and fed Melina instead. I wasn't going to get in a fight over it, but it really hurt. All the juggling that I do around here and I can't even get a 5 minute shower. I haven't had a shower now for a couple of days. Part of it is my fault as I said that I was going to start taking them at night as this seems to be a sore spot for Andy in the morning to have to watch her for a couple of minutes so that I can get a shower in, but I have been so tired at night that I have been falling asleep on the couch.

I love to read and I love to scrapbook. I noticed when I got the kids involved in the summer reading program at the library that they had just started an adult reading program. I went ahead and joined. I've only read one book so far as it takes me awhile to read a book now with the baby and everything else going on, but I noticed that I've felt a little better with that time to do something that I enjoy.

I also got back into digiscrapping this week. I only did 3 pages so far, but it's a start. I felt better knowing that I got something accomplished in Josiah's scrapbook again.

I've also been trying to watch Joyce Meyer for a half an hour in the morning. I don't always get it in, but it's something to uplift my spirits and feed my soul with.

I am also back to doing sparkpeople and watching my calories and trying to start exercising again. I need to be healthier and take care of the body that God gave me. I need to be a healthy mom to all of my children as well as they all need me to be around for a long time (God-willing).

I am trying to pamper myself so that I can keep going. I hate feeling drained or burned out sometimes and I know that if I can indulge myself sometimes it will go a long way.

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