Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Abba, I pray for safety for all of us with the poisonous things down here. Don't let any of us be bitten or harmed in any way.

Well, we took D to ride her bike at the park a few days ago. There's a health trail that we walk on that goes for about 10 miles. We got a couple of miles down and we were letting D ride up ahead a little bit and then she'd circle back and come back to us. All of a sudden we heard her say that there was a snake. We ran up there and there's a baby snake going from one side of the road to the other. We have taught her not to touch the snakes and to keep her distance and we didn't know what kind of snake this one was.

Fast forward to last night, we're walking on the path with my brother, Jimmie, and my mom and these girls walk past us telling us be careful because there's a snake eating a rabbit on the side of the path up ahead. Andy and Jimmie go up to see if they can find it and I picked D up to carry her and my Mom rolled her bike along. They find the snake and Mom told us that it was a rattler. I said that was the same kind of snake that we saw the other day, so she must have a nest of babies nearby.

I told Mom that all the questions on asking her if she's seen all these poisonous things...turantulas, rattlesnakes, black widows, brown recluses, and her saying that she's only seen 1 rattlesnake in the 10 years that they lived here and now they're coming out full-force. There was a lady that I was waiting on at HD the other day too that said they've lived in their house for 15 years and never had snakes and now they're finding them all over. Mom said that maybe the dryness is driving them out to find water or something. Just a little unnerving. I don't want to find any in our backyard or anything.


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