Thursday, October 04, 2007

Went in this morning for my 2nd bloodtest...

I went in this morning for my 2nd bloodtest to check my hcg levels to make sure they're going to double. She said when they get the results in they'll call to make me an appt to meet with the doctor. He wants to make sure that my diabetes stays well-controlled so that I don't run into the same problems that I had with Deidra.

Andy and I were talking the other night about the differences between working with a reproductive endocrinologist (when I got pregnant with Deidra) and a regular OB/GYN with a pregnancy. It's so different.

I remember going into the reproductive endocrinologist's (RE) office for my bloodwork with Deidra. I had already taken a urine pregnancy test that morning and tested negative. I didn't even know why I was there getting the bloodwork done as I was so convinced the IVF (in vitro fertilization) didn't work. It had been our 3rd attempt and I just felt defeated. Anyway, I got the bloodwork done and we went back home. Andy left for work and I sat on the couch praying my little heart out. Imagine my surprise when about 3 hours later, the nurse called me. "Honey, we have a positive pregnancy test." What?? I had tested negative on my urine test. I sat there shaking and grinning from ear to ear. Turns out that my urine test didn't pick up a positive until my hcg levels were at 150 and my blood test showed a 72. That explained that and then she told me I'd have to come back for a repeat test in a couple days to make sure that my levels had doubled. Once again, I went in for my blood test and a couple hours later they called me with my results. All was good and my levels were in the 300s. A week or so later I went in for my first ultrasound. Granted, you couldn't see much...just the sac...but we at least knew then how many embryos took. And I had been on progesterone shots since the embryo transfer so I wasn't worrying about losing the pregnancy to low progesterone levels as I knew I was being very closely monitored. A couple weeks later, we had another ultrasound and then he handed me off to my OB/GYN.

I hate having the blood tests now and having to wait until the next day after the office closes for them to call me back with my results. But, I also know that they don't have a lab there as well like my RE's office did. With my history though, I wish they would watch me a little more closely. I'm glad that they agreed to do the beta hcg bloodtests for me with my concerns and I know that I must just be patient and wait to see what this set says...but I'm so nervous and scared. I never had a lot of hope for this pregnancy from the minute that I found out, but the fact that I even got pregnant is a miracle in itself. We had given up hope that it was ever going to happen again with the way that my cycles are due to this stupid polycystic ovarian syndrome.

But, this has also been a huge wake-up call for me as well. I need to get myself back to being diabetes needs to be controlled better. I know I've had a lot of people concerned about my health when I told them what was going on...they all remembered me struggling with my pregnancy before. I've really been trying for the past week and it is making a difference.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am thinking about you. Keep positive, it might just be that it is still early. Hang in there, we are all pulling for you. Hugs.

7:55 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Just waiting for an update, and crossing my fingers that it's all good news.

8:46 AM  

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