Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Jobs and Finances

Taken from Sarah's blog (

Would you accept a much less enjoyable job paying twice what you make now? If you received the same pay regardless of your job, what kind of work would you do? If you were financially independent, would you continue to work? If not, what would you do?

Would I accept a much less enjoyable job paying twice what I make now? If it's something I dreaded, no. I've learned that money isn't everything and as long as we could live on what I was making at the current job, I'd be fine with staying there.

If I received the same pay regardless of my job, what kind of work would I do? I'd love to build up by ebay business more...I have some's just a matter of time to implement them. Taking care of 4 children is a lot of work and that takes up most of my time. But, I find ebay to be fun and I enjoy the hunt to find good things to sell.

If I was financially independant, would I continue to work? If not, what would I do? Well, I think I'd probably volunteer or something to still feel like I was making a difference in the world. I think we'd keep fostering as that is something that although it's a lot of work, it makes me feel good to see the progress in the children and you can't help but fall in love with them.



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