Saturday, January 24, 2009

My sweet little Baby J...

This baby boy can wrap anyone around his little finger. But, boy is he one huge ball of energy. We got him put on some ADHD meds on Thursday. He took the first dose before he went to bed, so we didn't really get to see how it was going to affect him. Friday, I gave him his dose before Mother's Day out and I didn't see a difference in his behavior when he was eating breakfast, getting dressed, or before we got in the van. However, once we got to MDO, he stood outside the van and listened to me tell him not to run off. He listened to me tell him to go stand by Little E on the sidewalk in front of the van. When I asked for his hand so we could walk down the corridor to the door to go inside, he told me "I do it, Mommy, I big boy." I decided to let him try but stood close in case he got the idea to bolt. My big boy actually "walked" to the door and "walked" himself to class. This is my baby who always runs and will only walk if I hold his hand. I let his teacher know that if he acted "off" it was because he just started new meds and we weren't quite sure how they were going to affect him. I do notice that he's more whiny, but these also make you drowsy and so I'm wondering if he's doing it because he's tired but doesn't want to give in. Anyway, when I went back to check on him he was playing with a toy at the table. I left and was so excited that I had to call Andy and tell him. Maybe this is just what he needed!! I was so proud of him yesterday, he had such a good day!!



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