Sunday, April 08, 2007

An Easter Prayer Request

I came home from Easter mass to receive this e-mail from family friends of ours. The boys are my friend's Niki's eldest boys. Niki and I have been friends since first grade. I feel so badly for her...she lost a little girl, Gianna, a couple years back due to SIDS and now this.... Her parents, Mike and Dar, had custody of the boys and so this is especially hard on them as well. If you could keep the family in your prayers at this time I would greatly appreciate it. And please hug your kids a little tighter tonight.

This is the e-mail that I received...

My beloved friends in Christ:

Darleen and I and all of The Konetzka family request your prayers at
this moment of sorrow for the souls of our grandsons, Dakotah and
Austin, who went to be with Our Lord yesterday on Good Friday after
dying in an automobile accident?on their way to Mass. We also ask
for your prayers for the family members. PLEASE pray for the boys
as they were true soldiers of Our Lord and Savior.

We thank each of you for your continued prayers to help their Souls
unto everlasting life.

May God Bless Our Boys

Mike and Dar


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry Nikki. I talked to you on Saturday and I could tell that your heart was broken. I am praying for you, Coda and Austin, and the rest of your family. I remember all the good times we all had- they will be greatly missed.

7:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry to hear of the famly's loss jess... i'll keep you all in my prayers.

7:18 PM  

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