Friday, June 01, 2007

Taking some initiatives...

Come on gals help keep me accountable!

We joined Dave Ramsey's My Total Money Makeover last night. We're basically already following his stuff, but we're not being as disciplined with paying off our debts as we would like to we gave ourselves a 30 day challenge to see what we could accomplish. Anyone want to join us?

I started spending 15 minutes on bible study a day last week and things are going well. I just need to spend more time with Him each day.

I'm starting day 1 of Medifast again. I need to get my blood sugars back under control as well as start losing some more of this weight. My initiative to stay accountable is that I do well for a week, I get to buy one article of clothing at the end. I found an awesome ebay store with some awesome clothes in it that I really like and I think she's going to be my visit at the end of the week.

Abba, please help me in my goals to be as successful as I can possibly be!

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