What a weekend!
Friday was a crazy day! We had our walk-thru on the house in the morning. We had to take the kids to the sitter's house who just happens to be another foster parent since you can't just have anyone watch foster children (thank you so much, Misty, for helping us out! This was the first time we had used respite care and I plan on returning the favor very soon. She's going to watch them on the 11th when we close on the house too! Anyway, we got there around 9 and made sure the kids settled in ok and then I had to run our monthly paperwork over to the agency really fast. Chatted with our caseworker for about 15 minutes about a couple things concerning Baby D and the upcoming court hearing on the 16th. Then, we ran over to the house for our appt at 10 am with the builder. We pointed out anything that we saw that needed to be fixed or touched up and he explained everything about the house to us. 3 hours later we finally finished up and had to run back to get the kids so that we could get Deidra downtown for the homecoming parade. We ran back to the house, got her into her cheerleading uniform, got the boys something to drink, and drove down the street before we realized that we had no chance at parking any closer to where the parade was going to start. So, we parked the car and walked. The parade was really good and the boys enjoyed themselves. We got annoyed at the people who were standing next to us as they kept getting in our way of trying to take pics and were practically right out in the road. Anyway, they caused us to miss our picture of Deidra in the parade so Andy ran down the road to get her picture. So, we got one for her scrapbook! Her very first parade that she was in! After that, we had to go find their float so we could get her and get back home so that we could head off for the State Fair. It took awhile for them to cycle back in and the boys were getting hot (Baby D doesn't deal with the heat well at all). They drank their milk in like a minute and we were finally able to find Deidra and get her. We walked back to the car and drove home. We got everyone inside and Baby D wound up throwing up all over. He's getting over a bad tummy virus, but I really thought that he just got sick due to the milk being too heavy for his stomach in the heat. I got him cooled down and rehydrated and gave him a bath and he seemed to be doing a lot better. So, we decided to head to Dallas for the State Fair. We got down there and ate some dinner...I shared some chicken tenders, fries, fried cookie dough, and fried latte with Deidra and the boys. Deidra rode a little kiddie coaster and played a game so that she could win a prize (she got a little frog). We walked around and went through the petting zoo (they got to pet a kangaroo, giraffe, cows, sheep, bison, pigs, and others). Baby D was just in awe and loved it. Baby J liked it too but he would start the whole arching his back thing when the animals left. It was neat to see their reactions to the animals though. We headed for home shortly after that.
Saturday was Deidra's homecoming game. We got up and did a few things around the house, I had to set up all the new utility accounts and schedule shut-off on utilities here at the current house, Andy packed a bit while I did all that...then we had some things to make up for the girls to throw at the game, and then it was time to get her ready to go. We got everyone ready and I decided that due to the rain I better drive separately in case there were any game delays as I had to work and I wasn't sure if her game would be done before the time I had to leave for work. Well, the boys and I followed Andy and Deidra to the game and once we pulled into the parking lot we were waiting behind this SUV that had stopped. Well, apparently she decided that she was a little too far up from the parking spot she wanted, threw her car into reverse and totally smacked into Andy and Deidra. She got out and took pics with her digital camera and I just had a funny vibe about things. I had a feeling she was going to try and say that Andy rear-ended her and so I told Andy that he needed to call our insurance company and report it right then and there and so he did. Later that day, the agent called back. The lady tried to put a spin on things. She tried to say that Andy didn't pay attention to her reverse lights and ran into her. I asked Andy if he happened to tell the agent that there was a witness to the whole thing (I was parked right behind Andy) and so he said that he never mentioned that. The agent won't be back in the office until Tuesday though, so I'm going to call him first thing Tuesday morning and let them know what happened. We're looking to sell that car soon anyway, but it really makes me mad when people lie about things so that they can try and get out of paying for things. She even told Andy when she got out of the car that the whole thing was her fault as she didn't even look before she backed up. Anyway, their game went well (they won!) but Baby D was fussy and I spent most of my time under the bleachers with him as it was cooler under there. All he wanted to do was sleep, but he wouldn't let me sit down with him or he'd throw a fit. I figured other people didn't want to listen to that, so I tried to keep him occupied underneath the bleachers. We came home and then I had to go into work. Work was slow and boring and dragged. Finally it was time to come home. Andy had packed up Deida's room while I was at work and then we ate quickly and sat for a little bit talking before heading to bed. Well, I wasn't even asleep for an hour before Deidra woke up throwing up all over her floor. She must have thrown up every hour there for awhile and after awhile it was coming out both ends if you know what I mean. Needless to say, we didn't go to church in the morning. She slept by me since the bathroom is right there by our bed and would get up running for the bathroom.
Sunday morning finally came and she got up and wanted me to get her some Sprite from the store. She looked absolutely terrible and so I ran up to get her some sprite, jello, tylenol flu, and some other things to try and make her feel better. She is absolutely miserable and so tired. My brother came over for a bit and I told him he was entering at his own risk as Deidra's very sick, Baby D still isn't feeling all that well, and Baby J has been a tad fussy too. He stayed for a bit and then when I had to leave for work, he walked back up to the church to wait for my Mom (she was teaching her catechism class). When I came home from lunch, she was retching again and just looked like ghost. I went back to work worrying about her and my supervisor let me come home an hour and a half early so that I could be here for her and baby her. She's got homework to do for tomorrow, but at this point I have no idea of whether I'm going to send her or not. Then again, I don't want her getting a strike for not turning in her work again. So, I guess I'll try and wake her up in a bit to read her books and write her sentences.
Well, we have a lot of packing to do still. Really the only things packed that we have so far is Deidra's room, our closet in our bedroom (all the ebay stuff), and our dishes. We close Thursday morning and then are going to go up and get the moving truck and buy our new refrigerator, blinds, and grass seed. Then, we have to go get Deidra from school, the boys from the sitter's, and then Andy's friend from work is going to come down with his girls and I'm going to watch the kids while they move the bigger stuff. Whatever they don't get moved that night, my brother Jimmie is going to help us with on Friday as we'll have to have the moving truck back on Friday afternoon. So, if you don't hear from me much this week...this is why as it's going to be a very busy week.
Labels: Baby D, Baby J, Deidra, house building, household duties, moving, State Fair, weekend
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