Monday, February 16, 2009

It's skin cancer...

My Dad called last night to get some info on his finances and he let me know that the doctor had called him to let him know that his biopsies came back. It's skin cancer. I asked him what type and he wouldn't tell me much as he didn't want me to worry. He said that Mom was taking the day off of work to take him to an appt at the specialist on March 2. They're going to re-open him up and look inthere with microscopes to see if they got it at all or if they can get it all. They told him that it would take most of the day and that he wouldn't feel up to driving afterwards. But, after that appt hopefully they'll know a plan of action. I'm praying that they'll have removed it all and he won't need a plan of action. He told me not to worry and that he'll be alright. As soon as I got off the phone, I dissolved into tears. I went over to my Mom's and my brother Jimmie comforted me. He didn't know, but I felt I had to tell him as he had no idea why I was crying and he thought that someone had died or gotten divorced with how badly I was crying. He took me out to McDonalds and by the time we got back, my Mom was at home. I talked to her for a bit and then came home. Andy was up waiting for me when I got home and was very sweet. He tucked me into bed and put his arms around me and he told me that no matter what happens, he's here for me. I thought it was awfully sweet. Please life my Daddy up in your prayers if you don't mind. I just want him to be ok.

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