Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I guess I do have a mean streak...

I was supposed to have the speech therapist out here on Monday and Tuesday. Monday she never showed up. Never called, never showed. This has been going on for awhile now. Tuesday, I decided I was going for a drive when she was supposed to come out so that we purposely wouldn't be at home. I'm tired of having a schedule, trying to deal with things that pop up (like the paternity test thing) and fitting that stuff in, only to have to reschedule therapy appts because they can't keep their appts. She called this morning and I purposely didn't answer the phone...her message said "oh, I was calling to see if I could schedule with you for this week as I haven't had time to come out yet this week and I think I forgot to tell you that." And then she laughed. I'm skipping speech this week, she can pick up with me next week IF she can stick to her schedule. I understnad that things come up here and there, but this almost a weekly occurance and I'm done.

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Blogger TK said...

I would report her to her superior. Legally she is supposed to provide therapy to the children and should not be changing the schedules that often. I bet she is billing for services even though she does not come. I would make a sign in sheet with the schedules times and make her sign it each time. Then turn it in monthly to the office.

10:43 AM  
Blogger Jess said...

I did report it a couple weeks ago and we're still dealing with the same things. My caseworker is requesting therapy notes to see if they match the dates she came out that I had on file.

12:02 PM  
Blogger Jamie said...

That's not actually mean. Getting her fired or telling her off would be mean. I've done that with a TSS more than once.

We have a sign in sheet here for our TSS that cannot be signed unless they are here and it stays in my possession. How about encounter forms? Don't you have to sign one of them?

2:29 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

I fill out a log that I turn into my foster care agency monthly that has all doctor/dental/therapy appt dates on it for each child. I do sign a form each time the therapist comes out as well, but it leaves with them as they write their notes on it and turn it into the therapy company. My fostercare agency does request the therapy notes though so I can see if the dates match up and they can see how the child is doing in therapy.

3:16 PM  
Blogger mommyofgirls said...

You go girl! You aren't mean though, just wise.

7:52 AM  

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