Just a general update...
We are doing well. Andy has ordered his harpsichord that he's been wanting forever. We paid off a ton of debt, put some towards our MI trip in March, and into savings. It feels good to be accomplishing paying off our debts and to know that we just have our student loans, the van, and the house left to pay off.
We are working on Baby J's adoption stuff...CPS informed me today that there's a hold-up as Mom gave them the wrong information on the place of his birth and after they finally were able to track it down we found out that the hospital storage is in the process of moving and it's going to take 4-6 weeks to get his records as of today. And here I was thinking that they were all waiting on me and I've been trying to get all my stuff done that I need to. Guess, I can settle down a bit as this may take awhile longer yet. He is so mellow on meds now...he listens and follows directions so much better. I wish we would have been able to start meds sooner. It's totally made a difference in our household.
I had to take Baby T back for her test today and I got to talking with the fostermom that has her baby brother. She asked me if I had heard anything about whether or not they were going to do any homestudies on anybody else and I told her that I thought they were just going to leave the kids where they are and that there wasn't anyone else to check. We talked about some other stuff and then went on our way as we had to go get Deidra from school and were hoping we weren't going to be late.
Deidra has been doing well. She is a great big sister and can be a really big help with them. She's been having some issues with getting in trouble at school for excessive talking and not listening. It's the same things I'm battling with her here at home for along with her talking back and arguing about everything that Andy and I say to her. I don't know what her deal is, but she can get so hyper and rowdy at night and she bounces off the walls when we're trying to get homework done. Other times, she's completely mellow. One of her friends was just off meds for ADHD and I don't know if it rubbed off on Deidra for awhile or what, but man she can get hyper. She's been spending lots of time being grounded over the past couple of weeks. Overall, she's doing well though.
Labels: adoption, Andy, Baby J, Baby T, Deidra, fostercare, Little E, marriage
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