Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Love Dare--Day 21

Be intentional today about making a time to pray and read your Bible. Try reading a chapter out of Proverbs each day (there are thirty-one—a full month’s supply), or reading a chapter in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). As you do, immerse yourself in the love and promises God has for you. This will add to your growth as you walk with Him.

I think being fed by God's Word will definitely help. I don't make time to do this as often as I should. I always seem to use being too busy with the kids and everything else going on as an excuse. But, I need to sit down and set aside some time each day, even if it's only 15 minutes, to sit and spend with Him. God needs to be the true center of our home and He desperately wants us to spend time with Him and I think if I can truly reflect in His Word that it will greatly help my relationship with Him, my husband, and my children.

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