Monday, February 16, 2009

Stomach bugs...

I've had some intestinal bug over the past couple of days, I woke up this morning and started throwing up. Baby T had a run with diarrhea this morning. Baby J and Little E were just determined to find trouble and I was after them all morning long. Got lunch around (chicken noodle soup) while I tried not to puke.... Baby T tried falling asleep in her chair and I went over to help her eat so I could go lay her down. The next thing I know is she's projectile vomiting everywhere. While I got her cleaned up, Baby J and Little E are spreading soap all over the bathroom, getting into the toothbrushes and the bath salts and just making a mess. So, once I got her cleaned up and put to bed I got to clean up that mess, clean them up, and put Baby J down for a nap. He kept busting out of his room and trying to bust into Baby T's room. At 2, I changed our appts around for tomorrow and pleaded with Andy to come home as I desperately needed to lay down with as miserable as I felt. He came home at 2:30 and I laid down for awhile while he answered some calls and worked from home. I just tried to eat again and my stomach feels off again. Hopefully, I won't have to take another trip to the bathroom here soon. I hate being sick....

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