Friday, September 05, 2008

Old pics and weight loss...

I was recently emptying out some old totes looking for pictures that I had hung up on the wall and I came across my senior picture from high school. I hung it on my family wall and decided that I waas going to use it as motivation to lose this weight that I've gained since I graduated. Of course infertility treatments and pregnancy and a hypothyroid all contributed, but I'm not making any excuses anymore. I am determined to get this weight off.

Then, I was at my Mom's and she's been trying to purge a bunch of stuff and she found old homecoming pics of me. All I could think of was "man, to be that skinny again" and "oh to be that young again."

I was just telling Andy the other day that I really miss high school and marching band days sometimes.

I will see my old high school weight again...I am determined now!

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